Monday, April 13, 2009

New Public Course database coming soon...

At Advance Corporate Training Ltd., we are pleased to announce that we are in the beta testing stage of a new public course database that will allow our web visitors to better determine the ACT courses that best meet their needs, schedules and budget.

All ACT public and open enrollment courses are listed in a new searchable database on our website at under public courses and events/schedules.

You will be able to find our schedules and our partners' schedules (sometimes before they even publish theirs!) in an easy to access database. Plan your staff training with ease and book your events before courses fill up. This new system will make working with us at ACT even easier!

Watch for the database to "go live" (meaning open for use) April 20, 2009!If you have any questions, please contact us at 604.521.5473.