Monday, July 7, 2008

Master Facilitator Level 2 Graduates

After a grueling weekend of think, learn, do, Advance Corporate Training Ltd. is pleased to announce the completion of another class of Master Facilitator Level 2 participants.

Neil Sharpham, Justine Mills, Gail Little, Irene vanNieuwkerk, Norman Chang, Shelly Nizar (missing: Alanna Burke)

This weekend a group of eager trainers joined us at the ACT office for a Mastery Facilitation intensive. Participants learned the importance of remaining learner-focused and then identified: their natural and adaptive teaching styles; the unique needs of various audience groups; several different curriculum theories; and categories of challenging leaners and strategies to ensure their learning. And in true Master Facilitator form, they put it all togther and demonstrated to the rest of the class how they can adapt their learning to their own delivery.

Master Facilitator Training and Certfication is part of ACT Ltd.'s programme of courses. ACT is a unique authority in this field. For more information visit

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