Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Fee Schedule as at April 1, 2009

Advance Corporate Training Ltd. is pleased to announce a new service fee schedule to take effect April 1, 2009.

This new fee schedule will ensure consistency and help our clients with anticipatory budgeting.

"We have completely redone our fee structure" says ACT Ltd. President Janet Dean. "Fees are now broken out by activity (training, team building, strategic planning) rather than just by duration of programming. This will help our clients budget more effectively and ensure peace of mind that we bill by outcomes not time - a key concern in these tough economic times."

Clients will also receive price breaks for repeat engagements, programs versus courses and number of participants. Janet Dean will continue to be available for premium events, our Master Facilitators will continue to deliver our unique outcome-oriented delivery style and clients can expect the same high quality of training as always.

Advance Corporate Training Ltd. last raised their fees in 1998.

If you have any questions or would like a copy of our new fee schedule, please contact Janet Dean directly at

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