Monday, March 16, 2009

I know its only just Spring but its time to be thinking of Summer!

We are a local soft skills training company and have been delivering training in teambuilding, customer service, governance, leadership and many other topics for 19 years – this year, we are starting our summer discount program early.

Each year, we pilot new courses and discount our training programs over the summer months (the quietest times for our corporate clients) to keep our team active and engaged.

This year, we wanted to give the opportunity to book world class training at discounted prices FIRST to community and non-profit organizations within our service areas. This will help you fit quality training into your staffing and resource budget and us fill our calendar early.

For 2009, we are offering our one day training programs at less than half price to community and non-profit organizations who book courses before May 31st for delivery June 15- August 31. That means a $2000 one day program for your organization for only $800!

You can use this training as you see fit – for your staff, your board, your participants, within your programs or as a staff development activity or fundraiser – it’s your call.

Take a look at the topics on our website at or contact us at for an electronic copy of our course catalogue or more information.

Currently this offer is only open to community and non profit organizations within the Lower Mainland of BC. We will be contacting you directly over the next month – this post may be removed without warning when dates are filled.

PS: If you are interested in discounted deliveries of some of our freshest new topics for 2009, stay tuned as we will be posting the titles and topics of this Springs new “crop” by the end of the month.

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