Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The pressure of summer - don't work so hard!

"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time." ~John Lubbock

During the summer, many workplaces operate short staffed due to employee vacations, workload reductions or staff training - during these times it is okay if you are finding it hard to stay focused and motivated.

Biorhythm or biological rhythm is a cyclic pattern of changes in physiology or in activity of living organisms – including humans. They are the rhythms that vary according to the time of day (circadian rhythms), and in part a response to daylight or dark, include the opening and closing of flowers and the nighttime increase in activity of nocturnal animals. Although the exact nature of the internal mechanism is not known, various external stimuli—including light, temperature, and gravity—influence our internal clocks.
During the summer, our natural tendency is to rest during the day and become more alert and stimulated in the evenings – the opposite of how we feel in winter. This is the explanation for why staying focused, motivated and energized at work during these summer days is more challenging – even if we have less work on our desks.
When we try to work contradictory to our cycles (such as shift workers or extended day workers) we suffer lower productivity, greater accidents and if done chronically – suffer depression and illness. This is why working during the summer can be more challenging. On the other hand, when we adjust our activity level to our energy level on the upswing, time disappears and our productivity skyrockets.

Most good things happen to us during the upside, and most bad things happen to us during the downside of a cycle. Therefore it is a good idea to work with and not against the natural aspect of a biorhythm.

So, cut yourself some slack today at work – goofing off is biological!

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